Special Project: Dynamakr

Type: Online game, Crowdsourcing

Client: DARPA

Project Specifics: Dynamakr represents the second phase of development in the Crowd Source Formal Verification, or CSFV research project for DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

Formal Verification is a process by which a computer program can be empirically proven to be free from bugs. The process requires an expert to identify key logical statements and generate proofs which demonstrate that the code is 100% reliable.  Some parts of this process can be automated and other parts require human interaction to identify key elements and establish relationships.

The CSFV project challenged several teams of formal verification experts and game designers to encode the information that humans could help with into a form that could be turned into games.

Dynamakr turns the information into game elements which players interact with and connect to pieces of information.

Youtube: Left Brain Developer Video


Play Dynamakr: Link no longer active (completed 2015)


